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Piece of (Coconut) Cake!

coconut buttercream cake

I taste even more wonderful the next day!

I was going to write up this recipe later but just had to share it with you because it tastes amazing! I tell thee no fibs. This eggless  Coconut Buttercream Cake is SO tasty; In fact, I would even go as far as saying it is the best tasting cake I have ever made. Although I cannot take much credit for it as I adapted the recipe from Swapna’s Eggless Pound Cake recipe. She has a lovely blog over at Cooking with Swapna and I definitely recommend you go and check her yummy recipes out! I wasn’t able to make a pound cake because I’m so ill-equipped that I don’t have a loaf tin (sad face). So I raided my cupboards and came out with sweetened desiccated coconut and vanilla extract. Simple. I decided to turn the recipe into a regular three layer cake, however with this recipe you really cannot go wrong whatever baking pan you use. Just remember to grease and line them with butter and baking paper. You can experiment with any flavours you like, although I used coconut and vanilla because I love the taste of them!

Enough of the chit-chat. This cake has to be baked… Like now!

Coconut Vanilla Buttercream Cake
(adapted from Swapna’s Eggless Pound Cake recipe)


200g plain flour
100g skimmed milk powder
¼ cup sweetened desiccated coconut
160g icing sugar (confectioner’s sugar)
1 tbsp vanilla extract (or the seeds from 1 fresh vanilla pod)
100g butter, softened
2 tsp’s baking powder
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
½ cup plain natural yogurt
½ cup water
½ cup milk


1. Sift together the plain flour, skimmed milk powder, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda. Set aside.

2. In a separate bowl cream together the icing sugar, vanilla and butter.

3. Gently mix in half of the sifted flour mixture.

4. Add the milk and water and mix until there are not any lumps (but don’t overwork it).

5. Add the yogurt and the remaining sifted flour mixture and coconut then fold these in using a metal spoon. Take care not to beat it too much.

6. Grease and line three 6X1inch cake tins and divide the mixture equally between them.

7. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 20-25 minutes.

8. When cooked, remove from the oven and allow to cool on a wire rack.

For the Buttercream

Beat together…

¾ cup butter
1 cup icing sugar (confectioner’s sugar)
1 tsp vanilla extract

Sandwich the cake layers together using the buttercream and top with the buttercream and more sweetened desiccated coconut.

coconut buttercream cake 2

Uhh, sorry I just couldn’t help myself!

In other news…

Kitty cat

Check out this little cutey! She was meowing on my doorstep this afternoon and trying to jump in through the window (shock horror!) Sadly my housemate is afraid of anything that isn’t human. Silly, silly housemate! So after wondering what cats ate and definitely ruling out bread and English Cheddar cheese I opted for, uhh… a teeny tiny bit of milk. Hey, we have a little birdy at home so cats are new territory for me *blush*

You think cats like coconut cake?

No. I better not.

Enjoy the scrummy yummy cake everyone! Don’t forget to keep e-mailing your recipes through for the Create for a chilli chopper competition!

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shweta Sylvia jani

Sunday 30th of October 2011

hi..this is such a winner recipe, i always make this cake every time on every chance i get. Sometimes as a gift, or on a long train journey. There is just one tiny glitch. I never get this height of the cake which is being shown in the pic. The cake is moist, a bit dense, taste is good. So will you please tell me where i am going wrong and so that i might be able to correct it ? Thanks a lot !!


Tuesday 15th of March 2011

Haha! Awesome! Lots of luck, let me know how it goes!

Fardles Bear

Tuesday 15th of March 2011

Ok I am making it right now - finally got myself some milk powder.. but I a making it with a twist -- I am going to lather it in carob syrup - so more like a chocolate lamington and roll it in coconut - let us see. It looks good though. Baking really well and smelling good. Thanks a lot.


Thursday 9th of December 2010

love it! my sister suggested i try your recipes since am super allergic to eggs! I tried it,results were great! Please if you can,share a Carrot Cake recipe. Thanks a bunch!

Aparna Vijay

Monday 18th of January 2010

Absolutely delicious cake..mouthwatering...thanks for sharing such yummy dishes with your blog..LoveAparna Vijay