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Kenyan Sweet Potato Veggie Burgers and My Pa’s Masala Chips

I’m a veggie burger snob. There, I said it. Nothing compares to a veggie burger packed with a delicious combo of spices, herbs and quality extras. I have a few dozen personal burger laws. For me, there must be pickles, if not, the burger is incomplete. The sauce has to be relish, mustard or something …

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Tamarind-Glazed Tofu Sliders with Kachumbar Slaw

Yes, I’m back. After a week in Mombasa, six weeks of family time and a week of tech issues, I felt it was time I blogged again. I offer you a summer spread of these mini burgers filled with tamarind-glazed grilled tofu, masala potato wedges and spicy Indian slaw (kachumbar). When I was young, my …

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The KO Rasoi BBQ Season: Matoki (Green Banana) Burgers

Back for more already, huh? During this series, I want to show you that vegetarian barbecues don’t just have to be about veggie sausages and tired-looking veggie burgers. If they were then the barbecue world would be a really, really sad place. Well, for me anyway. Whenever I’m asked to attend barbecues I pray and …

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