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Gone, But Not For Long

Hello lovely people of the blog. So annoyed at myself for taking such a long time to write this. I wanted to drop you all a line and let you know why I’ve been so scarce the past few months – I promise there’s a good reason behind it. I’m redesigning a brand new KO …

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Eggless Wedding Cakes

Told you I’d be back. Albeit late, but hey, I’m still here. And I’ve come armed with hundreds of little Red Velvet and Lemon Cupcakes topped with handmade sugarpaste Indian elephants and glitter-caked peacock feathers.  Bespoke handmade sugarpaste Indian elephants (want these? Email me) Two very lovely people got married in my hometown last Sunday …

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Sanjana’s Q&A with Sabjimata

Rose Truffles Did I just refer to myself in the third person? Sorry. Ever wanted to know my earliest kitchen memory? Or perhaps what elements define real Gujarati cooking? If so, please take a quick peek at my interview with food blogger extraordinaire, Sabjimata. Keep your eyes peeled for my simplest ever Gujarati potato curry …

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Eggless Milk Chocolate and Raspberry Puddings

Happy Thursday, readers. You’re probably wondering why on earth I’m posting on a weekday. No, I don’t have a day off to chillax with a steaming cuppa chai. Sob. Ingredients 200g milk chocolate, chopped finely 120ml double cream 2-3 tsp framboise liqueur Raspberries and icing sugar to decorate For the shortbread 125g butter, room temperature …

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OMG. KO Rasoi was published

Sorry about the OMG. As a ‘proper’ food blogger (giggles), I wouldn’t usually promote the use of such abbreviations, but there are times when the OMG and only the OMG will suffice. Except when it’s obligatory to apply the ZOMG, of course.       For someone with such a passion for cooking and writing, being recognised for it …

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The Paneer Survey- Results

The results are in and the response was incredible. If you have no idea what I’m talking about the listen up! Last month I compiled a set of questions around the popular Indian cheese, paneer; I asked you how often you ate paneer, made it at home and your favourite dishes. I was interested in …

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