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A Delicious Delicious Delicious Guest Post

Today, the wonderful Mr. P from the delicious ‘Delicious Delicious Delicious’ is going to quite literally make you drool.  Thank you P, for this gorgeous EGGLESS chocolate spice cupcake recipe. I am in love with P’s beautiful blog which I am sure you’re all aware of by now. If you’re not, you’re really missing out- …

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Eggless Blueberry and White Chocolate Baked Cheesecake

Blueberries are just coming into season here in the UK so when I spotted a stack of boxes containing the little blue jewels I knew I had to have some. Berries remind me of everything summery and cheesecake is one of my favourite desserts. Eggless baked cheesecake is a rare and delicious treat, which I …

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Pandan Thumbprint Biscuits

Okay. I couldn’t resist posting. I love blogging too much now.  I’m a d d i c t e d. I found this recipe on a website I adore and visit often; Pham Fatale. I’m sure many of you will have visited Jackie’s blog over and over just to gawk at her creative recipes and beautiful …

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